• Abundance and Prosperity Workshop:

    1. Abundance and Prosperity Workshop:
    Get More than 20 techniques/ chants/ rituals for attracting Abundance and Prosperity.

    All the techniques are tried and tested to give 100% results.

    This is a pre-recorded WhatsApp course, which you can learn at your own pace. You will get the Course material on your WhatsApp in the form of texts.

    All the rituals will be explained in pre-recorded voice notes.

    Energy Exchange: 2355/-

    Book Now 
  • Gratitude workshop

    2. Gratitude workshop:

    Gratitude is a powerful technique to feel more
    positive and happy.

    It help people to experience
    positive emotions, which subsequently help in improving health, relationship and achieving career goals.

    This is a 21 days WhatsApp workshop. You will get a daily task to perform every morning till 21 days. You will have 24hrs to complete that task.\

    At the end of 21st day you will start experiencing changes like never before happening in your life.

    Energy Exchange: 888/-

    Book Now 
  • Change your mindset workshop

    3. Change your mindset workshop

    This is a powerful course to achieve whatever you want in life by changing your mindset.

    It is a WhatsApp workshop. Once you buy this workshop, you will receive 1 PDF on your given WhatsApp number, of which you will be required
    to take coloured printout before you start the workshop. Once you are ready with the printout, your workshop will start. You will receive daily
    task to be done in the Printout along with various other techniques and Chants to be performed within next 21 days.

    This workshop will change
    your energies and your mindset like never before. You can manifest anything and achieve any number of goals with this workshop at one time.

    However, it is suggested to take not more than 2 at a time, as it can be overwhelming for some.
    For each goal you need a different PDF.
    It can be done for issues relating to Money,
    relationship, or any other manifestation.

    Energy Exchange:
    1122/- for one issue
    1455/- for two issues

    Book Now